Annual Meeting – Minutes

By | January 28, 2018



January 18, 2018

Pursuant to notice duly given and a quorum being present (including proxies), the annual meeting of the Linene Woods Homeowners Association was held on January 18, 2018 at the FSU Credit Union, 3206 Sharer Road, Tallahassee.


The meeting was called to order by President Jim Mann at 7:03 p.m.

Jim recognized new residents who were attending for the first time.


The minutes of the 2017 Linene Woods Homeowners Association annual meeting had been previously distributed via email, letter and posted on the LWHA website. The minutes were accepted as presented.


Treasurer Bill Needham presented the 2017 report of expenses (the report had previously been distributed via email and letter). The 2017 expenses of $14,342 were under budget overall. Cash on hand totaled $5,612.37, plus a contingency account balance of $18,435.25. The treasurer’s report was accepted.


Treasurer Bill Needham presented the proposed 2018 budget of $19,750, based on $150 per lot income. The board voted to provide a $15 rebate, reducing this year’s 2018 dues from $165 to $150, in view of the strong financial condition of the Association. Bill discussed the board’s action to combine the beautification and island maintenance budget items given the similarities of the expenditures. In addition, proposed expenses were increased for this category in anticipation of contracting with a vendor for more routine maintenance of the islands. This work would include activities such as weeding, planting, and laying pine straw. A motion was approved to accept the budget as presented.


Maintenance – Jim stated that he and Steve have been handling island maintenance and will continue to do so until a vendor starts doing the work

Dog Waste Stations – Steve Koebel reported that the dog waste signs and bags have been in place around five months. He stated that 608 bags have been used; an average of 121 bags per month. The bags on Locksley/Ridgeland is the most highly utilized at 183 bags, followed closely by Castleton/Reading with 176 bags and Nottingham/Nottingham Court with 175. The Dartmoor/Dartmoor Court location had 74 bags used. Steve said he felt the rate of use was gratifying. Several members expressed their support for this initiative and said that they felt it had a made a difference. Jim agreed, saying the board appreciated the usage and that the ongoing cost is quite low since the bags are not expensive.

Neighborhood Lending Library – Kris Shields reported on the neighborhood lending library at 3304 Rutland Loop. She said that it is being well used, especially by children from our neighborhood and other neighborhoods. She said that she wasn’t sure if adults were using the lending library and would appreciate any input or suggestions on the types of adult books that neighbors would like to read from the library. She invited everyone to come over and check it out.

Spring Fling – Kim Pisano said that a “Spring Fling” is being planned for Sunday, April 8, with April 15 as an alternative.

Neighborhood Entrance Solar Light – Jim said that the board had installed a solar light for the sign at the Lakeshore Drive entrance. He felt the light was working well, though did not last as long in the winter months due to less sunlight. Niki Joyce mentioned that she didn’t come in much at night, but would appreciate some lighting or other indication of the curb around the neighborhood sign as it can be hard to see when turning into the neighborhood. Another neighbor suggested reflectors might help with this problem.

Board Meetings – Jim said that last year the board decided to hold least three times and homeowners will have notice in case they wish to attend. He felt that this worked well and would continue for 2018, stating that additional meetings could always be held if necessary.

Leon County Public Works – Jim said that the erosion at the Ridgeland pass through had been addressed with a 2 ½ to 3 foot brick wall that helped with the runoff water. In addition, Jim arranged to have the county take down a large dead limb hanging over the road at Castleton and Locksley.


Architectural Review Committee – Jim said that Will Abberger, current chair of the committee, will be retiring from that role and thanked him for his years of service on the committee. Steve Halleck and Jane Ann Mann will be staying on the committee and Ray Runo will be joining as a new member. One item of business for the committee will be the review of plans for the new spec house being built on Nottingham Drive. This is the first new construction in many years and the developer said that it will be a 2,400 square foot house.

Leon County Public Works – The county is working on a new Lake Jackson storm water project and Linene Woods was mentioned in a newspaper article regarding this project. The board will stay apprised of this work and keep members informed.

Project Ideas – Jim said that Clay Culpepper asked for ideas from neighbors about potential board projects to help enhance the attractiveness of our neighborhood. Jim said to bring Bill any suggestions.

Vacant Houses – Bill stated that there are five vacant houses in the neighborhood and to contact him if you know people who would like to live in the neighborhood so they can be put in touch with the owners. He said that we would like to encourage sale and not rental.

Appreciations – Jim expressed appreciation to those who have helped him with the administration of the Association, including Linda Stalvey and her years of dedication to the board, Steve Koebel’s work on the dog waste station project, Charlie Hofacker webmaster, the ACC members, and those who helped with island watering.


Jim presented the proposed board members for 2018.

Agreeing to serve are: Bill Needham, president, Claire Mazur, secretary-treasurer, Martin Balinsky, Clay Culpepper, Joshua Innes, Steve Koelbel, Jim Mann, Linda Stalvey, and Randy Winton. It was moved, seconded and approved to accept the proposed board.


During open forum, one homeowner expressed concern people parking on their front lawns and Jim said that the board would discuss this issue. In addition, another homeowner talked about a neighbor whose dog had eaten a piece of hot dog on a walk and was sickened, concerned about possible poisoning.


Abena Ojetayo, the Chief Resilience Officer for the City of Tallahassee, presented about this new function. She described threats and vulnerabilities to the city, including both shocks, like hurricanes or other disasters, and stressors such as poverty and homelessness. She also solicited input on gaps in preparedness and homeowner suggestions included grants to help take down trees, the burying of electrical wires, and increasing the distance the city will cut branches and trees down from wires (from six feet to twelve feet). Homeowners also expressed that they thought our strengths were communication via email within Linene Woods and with nearby neighborhoods. Another homeowner said that our city offers many good programs and she wished that we could receive more information about them. Kim Pisano said that a good source of information about the Lakeshore neighborhood in general is the Lakeshore Moms Facebook page.

With no further business, it was moved, seconded and approved to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m.

Claire K. Mazur